
Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Courses
The PPP is now offering educational courses courses open to the general public, especially those who need CEUs for their profession, including substance use disorder treatment providers, mental health workers, and educators. Our next course will cover the topic of cannabis and will take place Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at the Proviso Township building 4565 W. Harrison St. Hillside, IL 60162. Find more information about this event by clicking the link below. The next few events will be announced on our social media, website, and via email. If you have any questions email
Cannabis Information Flyer
SAFE Program
The PPP in collaboration with the Westchester Police Department hosts The S.A.F.E. (Safety, Abuse and Fraud Education) program which is a series of short programs for older adults. The purpose of the program is to educate seniors about elder abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, con games, and fraud schemes. This prevention program is based upon the neighborhood watch concept that empowers participants with the opportunity to work together in crime prevention, local Homeland Security, and the “Look Out For Each Other” mentality. For more information on the program, please call us.
Drug Education and Prevention
The PPP provides Drug Education and Prevention programs in collaboration with The Way Back Inn, a community agency specializing in Substance Abuse Treatment. The program provides information on a variety of substances that impact the community, including signs and symptoms of substance use and treatment options. The Way Back Inn custom designs the program to meet the needs of a specific audience. We have hosted the program in schools as well as for the general community in and around Proviso Township. For more information on the program, please call us.
Elyssa’s Mission
Throughout the school year, the Proviso Public Partnership participates in Elyssa’s Mission. This community-based organization visits schools to implement the evidence-based Signs of Suicide program. The PPP works with local school districts and the agency to assist in screening for any mental health issues and/or suicidal thoughts or plans in school-aged children. After the program is implemented, the PPP continues its collaboration with Elyssa’s Mission and school staff in that it can provide follow up care to the students who may present a risk to themselves or others, or those students and families that may need additional support.
For more information about Elyssa’s Mission, please visit their website.
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