mental health services

Mental health disorders affect people from all walks of life and all age groups. These illnesses are common, recurrent and often serious, but they are treatable. If you or someone you know is facing an emotional or mental health problem, the Proviso Public Partnership offers personalized outpatient care to help you on the path to recovery so you can lead a productive, healthy life. Our clinicians provide care and treatment that is tailored to your individual needs. These specialized services include:

Mental Health Assessment

An informal interview that gather personal information about a client’s mental health, leading to identification of service needs and recommendations for treatment.

Case Management

Services that provide coordination, support and advocacy for clients who have multiple needs such as mental health, behavioral health, community support, child welfare and who require assistance in obtaining these services.

Therapy & Counseling

Meetings between a client and a mental health professional designed to ease or reduce the symptoms associated with the client’s presenting problems/mental health issues and/or behavioral problems.


Remote clinical services that allow a client and mental health professional to connect and communicate electronically (mobile device, laptop/computer, iPad, etc.).

Crisis Intervention

Immediate and short-term services aimed at reducing symptoms and restoring a level of functioning in individuals who experience an event that produces emotional, mental, physical and/or behavioral distress.

schedule an assessment

Need help? Call 708 240 4435 to schedule an assessment or receive more information today.